China open to visit by US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo – China’s commerce ministry
China open to visit by US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo – China’s commerce ministry

China open to visit by US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo – China’s commerce ministry





China is “open” to a visit by US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo as it remains “very important” for the two sides to maintain communication over trade, China’s Ministry of Commerce said on Wednesday.

Raimondo last week said in a media interview that she was considering visiting China, stressing that communication remains a priority for the Biden administration to de-escalate tensions with Beijing.

China’s Ministry of Commerce said it has yet to receive a proposal from Washington. “We believe it’s very important for the commerce departments of the two sides to maintain dialogue and communication, and we are open to minister Raimondo’s hope to visit China,” the ministry.

“China will continue to be committed to addressing each other’s concerns through dialogue and promoting constructive and practical cooperation.”