Mainland China, Hong Kong have most active IPO year since 2011, Hong Kong lands second place in global IPO rankings
Mainland China, Hong Kong have most active IPO year since 2011, Hong Kong lands second place in global IPO rankings

Mainland China, Hong Kong have most active IPO year since 2011, Hong Kong lands second place in global IPO rankings





Mainland China and Hong Kong stock exchanges are set to record their most active year since 2011 in terms of proceeds, according to the latest report published by KPMG.

The Shanghai and Hong Kong bourses, which saw a surge in fundraising activity, were key drivers behind the 23 percent increase in proceeds raised in the global IPO market in 2020, despite continued challenges due to COVID-19, it said.

In terms of global ranking by expected IPO proceeds for the full year of 2020 up to December 31, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Shanghai Stock . . .

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